YAF4AJN  -  Demo

Yet Another Frontendcontroller For AJAX JSON Networks

YAF4AJN contains a "Hello-World"-application which demonstrates the usage of the new JSON-Library:


What is it?

YAF4AJN contains a simple Hello-Word-Application: operating on apache / php(5) / json / html this very simple Demo RIA is greeting the user while it is updating the string 'Telekom' step by step by new variants which are computed and asynchronously delivered by the backend.

The backend is playing a strange game to find and deliver the final variant: It has two bags. The first bag contains all variants of the syllable 'Tele' ('TELE', 'TELe', 'TEle', ...). The second bag contains all variants of the syllable 'KOM' ('TELE', 'TELe', 'TEle', ...). And the backend application has 4 2-dimensional dice, 0 on the one side, 1 on the other. Now the application plays the following game:

  1. It shuffles both bags.
  2. It throws the 4 dice.
  3. If the 1. or the 2. dice shows the number 1, the backend delivers a new variant of the syllable 'TELE'
  4. If the 3. or the 4. dice shows the number 1, the backend delivers a new variant of the syllable 'KOM'
  5. If all 4 dice show the number 1, the game is over. If not, the frontend is invited to request the next combinations (GOTO 1)

Can I see it?

Yes, try it!


Copyright 2008 Deutsche Telekom AG, Products & Innovation
This software is licensed under the terms of GNU LGPL. Have a look at "COPYING.txt" in the download package.